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Speech synthesis samples

These samples are the output of a statistical parametric synthesizer built by combining HTS and AHOcoder, the vocoder I am developing in AHOLAB. So far, AHOcoder has two main analysis modes: the accurate one (default) and the efficient one (90-95% faster). We may choose one or the other depending on the application.

Female voice in Basque

Natural speech:

HTS + AHOcoder:

HTS + efficient-AHOcoder:

Male voice in Spanish

Natural speech:

HTS + AHOcoder:

HTS + efficient-AHOcoder:


(c) Daniel Erro

AHOLAB Signal Processing Laboratory, UPV/EHU, Alda.Urquijo s/n 48013 Bilbao, Spain
Phone: +34 946017245. Fax: +34 946014259. Email: derro(a)aholab.ehu.es.