You will participate in the creation of a “Synthetic Voices Bank” to help people with oral disabilities or who have lost their voice.

If you may lose your voice, we encourage you to record it with AhoMyTTS. This tool will allow you to use your own voice, or that of a relative, on your mobile device to communicate more easily if you finally need it (only available for Android devices).

  1. Required equipment

    It is necessary to have:

    • headset with a microphone, if possible a "pilot" type microphone.
    • web browser updated to the latest version.
  2. Registration in the system

    We will ask you for a few details, with which we can contact you if necessary (see the section Disclaimer). You must choose a language to interact with the program, although later you can make the recordings in different languages ​​if you wish.

    You will receive an e-mail to confirm your registration.

    Create new account

  3. Login

    Once registered, you must log in with your username and password.


  4. Create your synthetic voice model

    Once you have logged in, you must access the page:

    Donate my voice

    • On that page, you must choose a language for recording.
    • On the screen 100 sentences will appear, with which you can start donating your voice.
    • To donate your voice press the "Start recording" button. You will probably see a message telling you that access to your microphone is necessary. You must accept.
    • Read the sentence loud and clear. When finished press the "Stop" button. The result (your own synthetic voice!) depends largely on the quality of these recordings, so do them in a quiet and quiet environment with an appropriate volume in the microphone.
    • To ensure a correct recording it is necessary that you listen to the sentence you just recorded once by pressing the "Play" button.
    • Check that it has been recorded correctly (for example, that no beginnings or endings have been cut) and that you have pronounced exactly the text of the sentence.
    • If the recording is correct, press the "Send" button to save it on our servers.
    • It is not necessary to record all the sentences at a time; you can interrupt the process at any time and resume it later. The sentences are stored on the server and the system will remember your last sentence recorded.
      In addition, you can always listen to your recordings again and re-record the ones you consider worthwhile.
  5. Download your synthetic voice if you wish

    Once you have recorded the 100 phrases of the selected language you will be asked if you want to get your custom voice synthesizer. You will get an email when your synthesizer is ready. Remember that you will be able to use the synthetic voices only for personal use..