This section is a translation of the Spanish one, in case of conflict the Spanish version prevails.
You are informed that in accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation (EU2016 / 679):
• The data processing code is: TI0192
• The name of the data processing is: VOICE BANK - VOCES SANAS
• The data controller is the UPV / EHU:

Identity: University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
CIF: Q4818001B
Postal address: Barrio Sarriena s / n, 48940-Leioa (Bizkaia)
Contact details of the Data Protection Delegate:

The personal data requested are: email address.

The period of conservation of your data will be: The data will be kept as long as its deletion is not requested by the interested person and, in any case, provided that the deadlines for appeal and / or claim are open or as long as they continue to respond to the purpose for which were obtained.

The legitimacy of the treatment is: your informed consent

Assignments: “Data will not be transferred unless provided by law”

International transfers of your data: “No international transfers will be made”
The rights over your data are those of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation of processing, portability and forgetfulness. You can exercise them by sending your request to
Additional information is available at
The complete information about this treatment is in: https: // ...

BANCO DE VOCES- VOCES SANAS is an initiative of Aholab Signal Processing Laboratory of the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea in order to be able to provide personalized Voice Conversion systems to people with oral disabilities or who have completely lost their voice . Text-to-Voice Conversion systems allow reading aloud of any electronic text, using a fully synthetic voice. They are also known as TTS systems (English Text-to-Speech).
To achieve this goal we need to have recordings of human voices. Recording your voice in our Voice Bank collaborates in the donation to people who cannot use their own voice. In addition, you can also get a text-to-speech converter for your own personal use that will sound similar to yours. At the end of the recording process you will be asked to complete a satisfaction survey with the sole purpose of improving the process.
You will donate your voice through the web htts: // The first thing you will have to do is register on that website. To complete the registration, you will have to provide an email, which will be through which you can activate your user and access codes to the web. You must also indicate your age, gender and region of origin of your mother tongue. Once registered, you must log in using your access codes.
Once the session has started, and you have accessed the donation section, you can record your voice through a microphone. You should read the phrases that appear on the computer screen loudly and clearly. To ensure a correct recording it is necessary that you listen to the phrase that you just recorded and after checking that it has been recorded correctly (for example, that no beginnings or endings have been cut) and that the phrase text has been pronounced exactly, you will press the "SEND" button and the phrase will be sent to the Aholab servers.
To conclude the donation of your voice, you will have to record a total of 100 phrases that will take approximately 45 minutes.
It is not necessary for you to record all the phrases in a row, you can interrupt the process at any time and resume it again. The phrases are stored on the server and the system will remember what your last phrase was recorded. In addition, you can always listen to the recordings again and re-record the ones you consider.

To finish the process, you must press the ‘Generate synthetic voice’ button. You will receive an email with instructions for downloading the voice. Remember that the same synthetic voice can be used by people who have difficulties in their oral communication. The application is available exclusively for personal communication use, any other use being expressly prohibited.
After completing the process, you will be asked to complete a survey to assess your user experience that will require approximately 5 minutes of your time.