PhD Thesis Presentation: Oesophageal speech:enrichment and evaluations

Student: Sneha Raman Supervisor: Eva Navas Cordón and Inma Hernáez Rioja Date: 22-12-2021 Description: The aim of this work is to use a voice conversion methodology that would enrich alaryngeal speech by improving its intelligibility and maintaining speaker identity. We also propose to…

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Master Thesis Presentation: Direct speech synthesis from EMG data

Student: Xabier Román Advisor: Eva Navas Presented: 05/10/21 Silent speech interfaces allow the generation of acoustic speech from articulatory data obtained from some sensors. In this master thesis we propose to develop a Neural Network based system able to produce speech from Electromiographic…

Final Degree Project Presentation: voice generation using EMG parameters

Student: Idoia Moreno Advisor: Eva Navas Presented: July 2021 The aim of this Project is to analyze the generation of a voice using electromyographic (EMG) parameters. For this, the use of electromyographic sensors are needed. These sensors will be placed in the users face and will collect…

Interview: Inmaculada Hernáez. La tecnología de las voces artificiales. "Capaces de Comunicar" is a scientific transfer project organized by the COMINTRAD research group. Its objective is to disseminate scientific advances and technological innovations for augmentative and alternative…

Announcement: Jornadas Internacionales de Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa asistida por Tecnología

Testimonios desde la investigación, la empresa, las instituciones y las personas usuarias Del 22 de Junio al 30 de Septiembre de 2021

We are hiring: PhD open position

All the information available at

Webminar: EMG data acquisition

A tutorial on the use or ElectroMyoGraphic signals acquisition tools. Presenter: Lorenz Diener Date: April 20th, 2021

Dissemination: Webminar HITZ

01/02/2021: Webminar by Inma Hernaez and Eva Navas, presenting the Ressint project in an HITZ weminar. 2021PresentacionHitzRessintDownload

Presentation of ReSSint project at HiTZ

As on February 1st 2021 we have presented the project to our colleagues of HiTZ. Here are the slides. Enjoy!