Student: Xabier Sarasola
Supervisor: George P. Kafentzis, Eva Navas Being singing synthesis an area with a fast growing, naturalness and expressiveness is goingtobemoreandmoreimportantinthefutureandvibratoisoneofthekeyfeatures to achieve that. Even so, the vibrato is not labeled on music scores and each singers can produce it in a very different way, letting each singer to add personal style to each song. Knowingtheimportanceofthisfeatureanditssubjectivity, itisimportanttohave analysis tools to face the problem for each singer or singing style. The main difficulties of analyzing Bertsolaritza recordings to analyze the vibrato are two: First, it is not singing style with a high use of vibrato and second, it is a style focused in the quality oftheimprovisedlyrics, sothequalityofthesingercannotbecomparedtoprofessional singer, this makes the F0 curves to be more irregular and harder to be analyzed in terms of modulation. The advantage we have is it is sung a cappela, therefore, we can avoid the problems of separation of singing voice from music accompaniment.